Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Morning, Sunshine

Our little Reagan is 5 weeks today and Sam and I say that it feels like it has been forever. Usually people say it has gone by so fast and while these past few weeks have somewhat flown by-our feeling of lack of sleep has not. :) Reagan was up bright and early this morning and I decided to take a picture of his morning hair do. He has such crazy hair. I'm just not really sure what to do with it but let it do it's own thing. Reagan is such a noisy baby; he grunts and does this (what I think is adorable) billy goat noise.  He reminds me of Caden when he was little in that respect.

I have to admit that the adjustment has been difficult. I have heard the 3rd is the hardest, well I have to say it is the 4th for me. Really, I think that probably depends more on the child. Reagan prefers to be held...ALL the time. Then you add in caring for 3 other boys and things become chaos. I really try to keep up, but right now crayon is on the windows and pencil on the wall, my laundry bin is overflowing, and we really watch our step in the baby/craft/computer room, but hey, at least I managed to clean the bathrooms. My hubby has been wonderfully understanding as most days he comes home to a not so clean house, noisy children, and dinner unprepared, and still manages to greet me nicely. So it has been hard not doing the things I think I'm responsible for and the things I want and would love to do. I'm not blogging about this because I want a pity session. My life is good and I am blessed with so many simple things, but I have felt like no one really understands what I'm going through (even though I  know better) and then I received a wonderful letter from my mother-in-law and a phone call the other day from my own mom. Here were two women in my life who let me know they loved me, were thinking of me, and just said things that affirmed to me that they understood. Sometimes we just need to be reminded. So my hope is that perhaps when you read this post that you will send a note or pick up the phone to call someone who you have been thinking of and remind them.

About Me

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Welcome...my name is Angie and I am blessed to be living in a crazy, but always exciting home with 4 young little boys and 1 man who helps bring clarity to my sometimes insane household. I love to create new things, recipes, cards, quilting, or even mud pies with my boys, I am hands on! I hope that you can find some laughter and smiles while you visit.