Thursday, June 12, 2008


After searching through many free blogging templates, I actually found one that was cute and worked when I tried to load it. Yeah! :) Thank you to the cutest blog on the block for making such a sweet background and providing clear instructions on how to upload it. I will hopefully be adding more fun things in the future, but for now I really need to get some other errands done. Also, if any of you bloggers out there have any fun blogging items you have come across PLEASE SHARE with me. I am totally new to this and could use any advice or tips you have. Thanks.

1 comment:

ranell said...

Yeah! I'm glad you are starting a blog. I will be a frequent visitor. It looks awesome too. I thought the cutest blog on the block was the easiest blog template too.....and they are way cute.

I miss you guys. I was just thinking of you last night actually. Missing you during volleyball. :(

Niki from Ririe was there last night. It took me a bit to figure out how I knew her. It was a lot of fun.

Your boys are getting so big. They are so cute. Tell Sam we say hey!

About Me

My photo name is Angie and I am blessed to be living in a crazy, but always exciting home with 4 young little boys and 1 man who helps bring clarity to my sometimes insane household. I love to create new things, recipes, cards, quilting, or even mud pies with my boys, I am hands on! I hope that you can find some laughter and smiles while you visit.