Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here we are and it is already Christmas Eve. Our house is certainly buzzing with excitement right now. I decided to post our Christmas letter (it is a bit jumbled from the margins) in case we happened to miss sending you a card this year, but we hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

It seems so amazing that it is already that wonderful time of year,

Where families gather from all around
and gifts are shared with cheer.

And so it is with grateful hearts, we write to you once more

To wish you happy holidays and hope great tidings are in-store.

2009 was a big year for us,
our family changing yet one more time,

Adding another little boy has the family turning on a dime!

Little William came to us this April, so healthy and so grand,

With golden locks a plenty, bright blue eyes,
and perfect little hands.

The other boys play with him like a toy, which Will thinks is so much fun;

He is rolling, laughing and always getting his way,
so happy to be the youngest one!

Caden is on the downhill side of Mrs. Black's first grade class;

He loves reading, math, running and screaming,
and playing in the grass!

His first year of soccer was trying, but he loved it all the same;

He was a great goalie and team-mate
and found adoration for the game.

Ethan is still in preschool, learning so much everyday;

He is the happiest little boy always talking and wanting to play!

It matter not with who, when or how, for picky he is not,

Enjoying anyone willing to play with him,
while sharing anything he has got!

Angie is running ragged, outnumbered now four to one,

Doing her best to keep the family schedule
hoping someday her scrapbooking to be done!

She has honed her mommy skills
and with the doctor on speed dial,

Keeping ALL the boys healthy and in line,
while clothed and fed all the while!

Sam is ready for the snow and has counted the days
until it blanketed the ground,

Still working on his Master's Degree with thoughts never far
from his sled and it's reverberating sound!

So the time is here at last, where we celebrate
the birth of the greatest of us all,

Gathering together as friends and family in lands big and small!

We are so glad you're a part of our lives
and know to our hearts you are near;

Until we see you next time...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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About Me

My photo name is Angie and I am blessed to be living in a crazy, but always exciting home with 4 young little boys and 1 man who helps bring clarity to my sometimes insane household. I love to create new things, recipes, cards, quilting, or even mud pies with my boys, I am hands on! I hope that you can find some laughter and smiles while you visit.